Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Jeunes Chercheurs “CAC”

Participants : L. Perret [contact] , J.-C. Faugère, G. Renault.

The new contract CAC “ Computer Algebra and Cryptography” begins in October 2009 for a period of 4 years. This project will investigate the areas of cryptography and computer algebra, and their influence on the security and integrity of digital data. In CAC , we plan to use basic tools of computer algebra to evaluate the security of cryptographic schemes. CAC will focus on three new challenging applications of algebraic techniques in cryptography; namely block ciphers, hash functions, and factorization with known bits. To this hand, we will use Gröbner bases techniques but also lattice tools. In this proposal, we will explore non-conventional approaches in the algebraic cryptanalysis of these problems.